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 Die Jesuiten:  Unterwanderung | Godīs marines | Quellen Jesuiten | We are all Jesuits
" The final straw came in 1939, when the Pope planned to issue a Papal Bull effectively making it a grave sin for any Catholic to act against another human being based on their creed, skin colour or political beliefs. The Jesuit superior general intercepted the Bull before it could be promulgated as new church law and a few days the Pope was dead, another victim of the Company's "poison cup.A few weeks later, Pacelli was made Pope. A few months later the Jesuit-controlled, Roman Catholic dictators started World War II.
The Final Solution of Pope Pius XII"
Das Reichskonkordat
10 Dinge, die Sie über die Jesuiten wissen sollten.
Die Protokolle des Weisen von Zion.
Gründe für die Unterdrückung der Jesuiten
Der Vatikan und die Jesuiten Wie der Vatikan und die Jesuiten die Welt beherrschen und ins Unglück stürzen (Videos)
"Der Temple Bar markiert einen Grenzpunkt der City of London, wo sich der zum Templerorden gehörende Bezirk namens Temple befindet, zu dem der Middle Temple und der Inner Temple gehören. Das Logo des Inner Temple bildet ein weißes Pferd vor dem Sonnensymbol des Jesuitenordens. Das weiße Pferd symbolisiert das British Empire, den Hosenbandorden und die Crown Corporation und stellt das gleiche weiße Pferd dar wie das Symbol des Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)."
Der Temple Bar markiert einen Grenzpunkt der City of London, wo sich der zum Templerorden gehörende Bezirk namens Temple befindet, zu dem der Middle Temple und der Inner Temple gehören. Das Logo des Inner Temple bildet ein weißes Pferd vor dem Sonnensymbol des Jesuitenordens. Das weiße Pferd symbolisiert das British Empire, den Hosenbandorden (Order of the Garter) und die Crown Corporation und stellt das gleiche weiße Pferd dar wie das Symbol des Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

The Jesuits , the greatest merchants on Earth.

"Do I have to remind you that the IHS is the logo of the Knights Templar. The Jesuit IHS has the symbol of the planet Saturn within the ‘H’ and this is Satanic symbolism for Satan. Notice Saturn dwells in the constellation of Capricorn the goatfish and remember that Baphomet has the goat head on the hermaphrodite body (Venus/Lucifer worship). The Knights Templar were worshipers of Baphomet the devil as are all Freemasons which is the modern veil for Templarism today. A Templarism which has been taken over by the Jesuit Order using their Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. We should never forget that Albert Pike the Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite was handled by the powerful Jesuit soldier, Pierre-Jean de Smet SJ."

Quelle : New Educational System

How the Jesuits orchestrated the two World Wars
The "heroes" of communism, Marx and Engels, who wrote the communist manifesto, in the 1880s, were actually coached and directed by Jesuit priests. The communist party was formed for the task of destroying the protector of the hated orthodox church, the Czar of Russia. It was for revenge. The communist party was financed in secret by agents of Rome (the illuminati) in order to create another power that was a servant of the Vatican.
Before World War 1, a large group of wealthy Jews was trying to gain control over Jerusalem. This made the Vatican very angry. The Vatican had been wanting to move to Jerusalem for a long time, since Christianity had started there. These Jews that were fighting against the Vatican's plans were to be made to pay for their stubbornness. The Vatican constructed a plan that destroy the European Jews and turn the world against them.
The Vatican directed some Jews that were loyal to the catholic church to write an article called the protocols of Zion. This document would pave the way for the coming Jewish holocaust, even if it would also cause the deaths of many Roman Catholics as well.
In the early 1900s, France made the Vatican angry by making a political deal with the Czar of Russia. Previously, France had dumped its catholic King and had become a republic; this also made the Vatican angry. In the meantime, the orthodox church was spreading throughout Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, part of Turkey, and Serbian Yugoslavia. The Vatican wanted to bring France to its knees and also stop the religious competition in the Balkans.
The solution to these problems was simple, the Jesuits would start World War 1. The pope was backing Germany, so when the catholic Kasar asked the Vatican if it could expand Germany's borders, Pope Pius X and the Jesuits gave him there blessings and permission. Germany started fighting France and treaties pulled more nations into the conflict; Germany was fighting France, England, Russian and the US. Millions died, many were Roman catholic, in 4 years of bloody war.
Even while men were still dying in World War 1, the Jesuits were already busy preparing World War 2 and a new catholic inquisition, the holocaust. In July 1919, when the allies were signing the treaty of Versailles, at the end of World War 1, they were so angry at the Vatican for starting the war that they refused to recognize the Vatican as a political power anymore and kept them away from the conference table. In Russian the empress, the wife of Czar Nicholas, told Rasputin, a monk, where the Czar's gold was hidden. Rasputin told this information to the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox church.
The Jesuits worked closely with Marx, Engels, Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin, while they were carefully preparing for the Russian revolution. The Jesuits secretly moved their gold into Russia, to finance this, using their key men. They believed that communism would rise up as a new strong daughter of the Vatican. The Russian revolution succeeded, the Czar was forced to abdicate and his family was put under house arrest.
The Royal family was moved to the Urals for security reasons, while an army of Czechs was coming to try to rescue him where he was being held. A group of Ural Soviets held a quick trial and the Royal family was found guilty; some of these soviets were Jesuits pretending to be communists. The protector of the Russian orthodox church, the Czar, was now facing the Jesuits of Rome, and he and his family were killed. The communists then moved to destroy the Vatican's religious competitors, the Russian orthodox church; its religious leaders were being hunted down.
However, when the communists approached the old patriarch, he greeted them and told them he was holding the Czars gold for them. The communists put down their weapons, accepted the Czar's gold and his friendship and the killing of the Russian orhodox clergy was stopped.
The communists not only got the Czar's gold but they betrayed the Vatican and kept the pope's gold too, which was worth over 600 million dollars. The Vatican went wild with anger; they had been double-crossed. The Vatican was going to make the communists pay for this no matter what it would cost. The Jesuits decided to start another war so that they could have another inquisition and the victims would now include the orthodox church and the communists of Russia along with the Jews and protestants. The financial arm of the Vatican (the illuminati, Opus Dei, and key masons) have so much wealth that they can sway the economy of the world and cause planned depressions.
After the first World War, Germany was in a terrible depression. Certain pro-catholic Jews were ordered to buy up the land from the poor broke Germans. The money was supplied by the Vatican and the land was bought at a cheap price. This was going to be used to stir up hatred against the Jews at a future date. The Jews would be accused of showing no mercy to the Germans when they stole their lands during the depression.
At the end of World War 1, the Jesuits moved on three fronts. Mussolini came to power in Italy and his black shirted thugs beat all opponents into submission. A jesuit named Venturi was assigned to work with Moussalini. The catholic vote, controlled by the Vatican put Moussolini into power. To pay off the Vatican, Mussolini signed a concordat (a document of mutual support) with the Vatican, and this made catholicism the only religion allowed in Italy and its territories. The German government was very weak, and the economy was ruined. Some people wanted to make Germany a republic; the Vatican moved to stop this. They prepared the way for Germany's new Roman Catholic leader, Adolph Hitler.
Hitler's brown shirts, the Nazis, backed by the Vatican, beat all of their opponents into submission, this included opposing Roman catholics. A jesuit priest, father Staempfle, wrote a book for Hitler, titled Mein Kampf; the book was the master plan of the Jesuits for Hitler's take over of Germany. [ It was the Jesuits that perfected the famous Pan-German program laid out in this book, and Hitler endorsed it. This is taken from the book, THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE JESUITS page 138, by Edmond Paris, a catholic French historian.]
Street battles between catholics that were Nazis and catholics that were communists took place. The Jesuits built the third Reich, with its symbol the swastika, a masonic symbol.
(Note: Hitler and his associates were all catholic and they all had some jewish blood in their veins. - according to Alberto Rivera, former Jesuit priest)
Pope Pius XI supported Hitler, and the catholic vote put Hitler into power in 1933. Germany signed a concordat with the Vatican in 1933. The catholic Nazi, Von Papen, one of Hitler's diplomats, boasted to the world, "the third Reich is the first power, which not only recognizes, but puts into practice, the high principles of the papacy." (Der Voelkischer Beobachter, Jan. 14, 1934)
In Spain, tunnels were found between the convents and priest rectories in which little baby skeletons were found; the priests and nuns were having sex and allowing the babies that were born to the nuns to die. The discovery of this led to the Spanish civil war. Some Spanish catholics revolted against the Vatican because of this. The Pope hired several divisions of Moslem mercenaries fighting under Franco, to kill all Roman catholics, Jews and protestants that opposed them. Because a few of the catholic revolters were communists, the catholic controlled press leaked out the story that it was a communist rebellion and not what it really was, a catholic rebellion. General Franco won the battle and became the catholic dictator of Spain, ending the Spanish republic government that Spain had previously.
So now the Jesuits had leaders of Italy, Germany, and Spain that would obey the Jesuits. German catholics under orders from the Vatican began joining protestant churches and pretending to be protestant. When the anti-Jewish atrocities began, these undercover catholics, in protestant churches, publicly accused the Jews and turned them over to the Gestapo for shipment to the death camps. [The Jesuits are masters of deceit. They took 1000 Roman catholic Jews and hid them at the Vatican for the duration of the war. This was just in case Hitler lost the war. If Hitler lost the war, the Vatican could say they also helped the Jews. But these were catholic Jews. It was the non catholic Jews that the Gestapo wanted to kill]
The Vatican always covers itself in case its plans backfire. While Hitler was building his war machine, in the 1930s, the Jesuits were busy establishing 5th columns in the countries scheduled for the Nazi invasions. A 5th column is a secret army within a country that is ready to surrender and help an invading country to capture its own nation. The organization called catholic action, in these countries, was the 5th column.
Jesuit priests, Picard, Arendt, and Foucalt preached a Hitlerite, fascist Gospel, calling it a spiritual renewal in Belgium. In the United States, the Jesuit father Coughlin (the apostle of the swastika) reached over 20 million listeners by radio, saying that the German war is a battle for Christianity. He also headed secret commando cells that were trained by Nazi agents, from 1936 - 1942 in the United States.
Hitler started his fast attacks in Europe and World War 2 started. Germany, Italy and Japan fought the rest of the world and millions died. One of Hitler's greatest sources of intelligence information came through the Roman catholic confessionals all over the world. Hitler's secret servic, the Gestapo, was built up after the principles of the Jesuit Order, by Heindrich Hemler.
Many catholic priests wore the uniform of Hitler's Gestapo. The Jesuit father Himmler, Heindrich Himmler's uncle, was one of the superior officers of the Gestapo. It was mainly through the Gestapo that six and a half million Jews suffered torture and death; the 20th century catholic inquisition was in full swing. Bible believing protestants that tried to help the Jews also went into the concentration camps. In Yugoslavia, the Greek orthodox church, the Serbians, were terribly tortured and murdered by the Ustachi killer squads, catholic groups that were led by Jesuits. Many catholic priests were members of the Ustachi killer squads.
The Jesuit monseigneur Tiso, in Slovakia, chief of the Slovakian state, provided the first contingent of Jews, from Slovakia, to be murdered at Auschwitz. Monseigneur Tiso was hanged as a war criminal after the war was over. Pope Pius XII, after building the Nazi war machine, saw Hitler losing his battle against Russia, and he immediately jumped to the allies side as he saw that Hitler was going to lose the war. Then the Vatican began to use the organizations under its control to cover up the Vatican's involvement with starting World War 2 and its involvement in the holocaust. Germany surrendered May 8th 1945 and Europe was in ruins.
The Vatican had these contingency plans in case Hitler lost the war:
1. Make everyone believe that the Vatican had nothing to do with the war and, in time, try to convince people that the holocaust never happened.
2. Make sure that rebellious nuns, monks, and priests were also put into the concentration camps to try to convince the world that the catholic church was also persecuted.
3. They ordered catholic families and priests to protect Jews in their homes so this could be used in the future as good public relations material for books and films. Those Jews that were protected had already been converted to catholicism.
4. Put on a new face by setting up the Vatican II council.
5. Set up a communist pope from behind the Iron Curtain to please the communists and try to convert them to catholicism. This was Pope John 23rd.
Read what the press of the Catholic, Spanish dictator, Franco, published on the 3rd of May, 1945, the day of Hitler's death. It said, "Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity." It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament over his death, when so many were found to exalt his life. It goes on to say, "Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of Victory." This funeral oration of Adolph Hitler was voiced by the Holy See itself, under the cover of Franco's press. It is a communique of the Vatican via Madrid.
Hitler himself stated, "I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits. Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party."
Walter Schellenberg, former chief of Nazi counter-espionage made this statement:
"The S.S. organization had been constituted by Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. Their regulations and the Spiritual Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly. Himmler's title as supreme chief of the S.S. was to be the equivalent of the Jesuits' 'General' and the whole structure was a close imitation of the Catholic Church's hierarchical order."
Hitler was also ready to discuss with the Bishop his views on the Jewish question: Adoph Hitler said, "As for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy which the Catholic church has adopted for fifteen hundred years, when it has regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into ghettos etc., because it knew what the Jews were like. I don't put race above religion, but I do see the danger in the representatives of this race for Church and State, and perhaps I am doing Christianity a great service."
- "The Nazi Persecution of the Churches" by J S Conway pages 25, 26, and 162.
In his book FIFTY YEARS IN THE CHURCH OF ROME, former catholic priest Charles Chiniquy had this to say about the Jesuits:
"The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. Their chief is the general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power. Power in the most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the World by the volition (will) of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms (dictatorship); and at the same time, the greatest and the most enormous of abuses." (The most monstrous hurt, injury and damage).
"The general of the jesuits insists on being master, sovereign over the sovereign. Wherever the jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may. Their society is by nature dictatorial, and therefore it is the irreconcilable enemy of all constituted authority. Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the society of the jesuits, or by the order of its general.
(page 174, in the book, FIFTY YEARS IN THE CHURCH OF ROME, by Charles Chiniquy)
* The Secret History of the Jesuits, by catholic French historian Edmond Paris.
* The Vatican's Holocaust, by Avro Manhattan
* The Godfathers, by Jack T Chick
* Smokescreens, by Jack Chick
* Other information provided by former high ranking Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, that was taught to him by his instructor at the Vatican, whose name was Augustine Cardinal Bea.

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